McDo Breakfast 3pc. Hotcakes in the Philippines 2024

Wake up to the warmth of three golden brown hotcakes, a morning treat that brings the cozy sweetness of maple right to your breakfast table. Perfectly paired with butter for that rich, melt-in-your-mouth experience, this breakfast option is more than just food; it’s a morning ritual that delights the senses.

Check out the McDonald’s Breakfast in Philippines

Ingredients of 3 pc. Hotcakes in the Philippines McDo

The image shows a set comprising hotcakes, hotcake syrup, and salted whipped butter, indicating a complete serving of McDonald's hotcakes breakfast meal.
  • Golden Brown Hotcakes: Three pieces per serving.
  • Rich Toppings: Butter that complements the sweet maple flavor.
  • Nutritional Content: Balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Price and Availability

Available at all McDonald’s outlets across the Philippines, a set of three scrumptious hotcakes can be yours for just ₱73.00.

Check out other Breakfast Menu Items

Nutritional Info of McDo Breakfast Hot Cakes

NutrientAmount% RENI
Total Fat (g)7.5g
Saturated Fat (g)3g
Total Carbohydrates (g)82.5g
Sugars (g)28.5g
Protein (g)10.5g9%
Vitamin A (µg RE)438g79.5%
Calcium (mg)183g24%
Iron (mg)7.5g57%
Potassium (mg)31.5g


The allergens present in McDonald’s 3pc Hotcakes in the Philippines include egg, gluten, milk, soy, and wheat.

Customization Options: Choose your syrup level or ask for extra butter to personalize your hotcake experience.


What is the calorie count for the 3pc Hotcakes?

There are 442.5 calories per serving, making it a fulfilling breakfast option.

Can I customize my hotcake order?

Yes, you can customize your hotcakes with additional butter or syrup based on your taste preferences.

Are there any allergens in the 3pc Hotcakes?

Yes, they contain milk/dairy. Please refer to the complete list of allergens if you have specific dietary concerns.

How much does a serving of 3pc Hotcakes cost?

The price for a serving of 3pc Hotcakes at McDonald’s Philippines is ₱73.00.


The 3pc Hotcakes from McDonald’s offer a perfect blend of comfort and convenience, with a touch of sweetness to start your day on the right note. Affordable, delicious, and filling, they are an ideal breakfast choice for anyone looking to indulge in the simple pleasures of a well-made meal. Visit your nearest McDonald’s and brighten your morning with this delightful breakfast option!

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